As we see from IG Blog #1, Dr. Alvin Young’s report of the allegations of our Panama veterans have all been proven to the VA to be true. But the VA tells our Veterans that there is no evidence. The VA is simply trampling on the Panama veterans Constitutional Due Process. The VA is not… Continue reading Blog #6 IG Request Blog and Shipments
Month: October 2022
Blog #5 IG Blog Gatun Lake Weed Problem
Alvin Young continues… In Allegation 3. “The excess drums of Agent Orange remaining after tests and evaluations were completed, were left behind and used “casually” around various military installations in Panama for the control of weeds and shrubs.” Our findings: we did see spraying of chemicals each and every day in the Canal Zone, in… Continue reading Blog #5 IG Blog Gatun Lake Weed Problem
IG Blog No. 4 – used in the USA
What happened when I filed for an IG Investigation and since then? Unfortunately, not a whole lot. I did get to speak with Senator Tester’s aide, they said the material I gave them was too much to read. I had written a cover letter and all they had to do is read three pages and… Continue reading IG Blog No. 4 – used in the USA
IG Request Blog 3
In Dr. Young’s 2012 report on Panama he says “This allegation presumes that Agent Orange was used as if it were a commercial product. Furthermore, it presumes that all United States military units had access to its use to control unwanted vegetation on military installations within the Canal Zone. Neither of these presumptions is true.”… Continue reading IG Request Blog 3
IG Request blog #2
Blog #2 about the allegations of Panama veterans and Dr. Alvin Young’s 2012 report. Detrick employee Mr. Charles Bartlett states Agent Orange and other military herbicides were shipped, stored and used in Panama as well as other areas including CONUS. The Detrick employee also testified several hundred barrels of Agent Orange were shipped to Fort… Continue reading IG Request blog #2
IG Request blog #1
Request for an investigation into the shipments to Panama, if not the same as used in Vietnam, then what is it? In 2012 my husband became very ill, we had to retire before we wanted to and I wondered why the heck did he become so ill? I saw a small blurb on FB that… Continue reading IG Request blog #1
1980 Alvin Young hearing
In this 1980 Sworn Statement of Dr. Alvin Young, he claims that Agent Purple and Orange were commercially made. And yet, as we will see in the 2012 report on the Panama Canal Zone, he claims the veterans don’t know what they are talking about, that “Agent Orange” was never in Panama. That is because… Continue reading 1980 Alvin Young hearing
1978 Hearing on Agent Orange
The 1978 hearing on Agent Orange in front of the Subcommittee on Medical Facilities and Benefits of the Committee on Veterans Affairs, House of Representatives, 95th congress, October 11, 1978. Captain Young said the first studies on TCDD were in 1970 and was reported it was very teratogenic, but Dr. Young reported that the amount… Continue reading 1978 Hearing on Agent Orange